  • Universal Remote Control Incorporated v. UEI Cayman Incorporated et al IPR of '779 PTAB

    • IPR2014-01111
    • 2600
    • Judge: Howard B. Blankenship +3
    • Filed: 07/02/2014
    • Institution: 11/24/2014
    • Terminated: 11/24/2014
    • Latest Docket Entry: 11/24/2014
    • PTAB
    • Administrative Judges
    • Howard B. Blankenship
    • Sally C. Medley
    • William A. Capp
Patent Owners
Challenged Patent
  • Universal Remote Control Incorporated v. UEI Cayman Incorporated et al IPR of '779 PTAB

    • IPR2014-01111
    • 2600
    • Judge: Howard B. Blankenship +3
    • Filed: 07/02/2014
    • Institution: 11/24/2014
    • Terminated: 11/24/2014
    • Latest Docket Entry: 11/24/2014
    • PTAB
    • Administrative Judges
    • Howard B. Blankenship
    • Sally C. Medley
    • William A. Capp
Cause of Action
Inter Partes Review
Administrative Judges
Howard B. Blankenship
Sally C. Medley
William A. Capp
  • Patent Information