  • Microsoft Corporation v. Proxyconn, Inc. IPR of '717 PTAB CAFC

    • IPR2012-00026
    • 2100
    • Judge: Mitchell G. Weatherly +4
    • Filed: 09/18/2012
    • Institution: 12/21/2012
    • Final Decision: 12/09/2015
    • Latest Docket Entry: 12/09/2015
    • PTAB
    • Administrative Judges
    • Mitchell G. Weatherly
    • Sally C. Medley
    • Scott R. Boalick
    • Thomas L. Giannetti
Patent Owner
Challenged Patent
  • Microsoft Corporation v. Proxyconn, Inc. IPR of '717 PTAB CAFC

    • IPR2012-00026
    • 2100
    • Judge: Mitchell G. Weatherly +4
    • Filed: 09/18/2012
    • Institution: 12/21/2012
    • Final Decision: 12/09/2015
    • Latest Docket Entry: 12/09/2015
    • PTAB
    • Administrative Judges
    • Mitchell G. Weatherly
    • Sally C. Medley
    • Scott R. Boalick
    • Thomas L. Giannetti
IPR2013-00109 joined this IPR
Final Decision
No Claims Unpatentable
Cause of Action
Inter Partes Review
Administrative Judges
Mitchell G. Weatherly
Sally C. Medley
Scott R. Boalick
Thomas L. Giannetti
  • Patent Information