  • RPM International Inc., et al., Petitioners v. Alan Stuart, Trustee for the Cecil G. Stuart and Donna M. Stuart Revocable Living Trust Agreement, et al.

    • 20-314
    • Justice: Brett M. Kavanaugh +8
    • Docketed: 09/10/2020
    • Closed: 07/30/2021
    • Latest Docket Entry: 07/30/2021
    • SupremeCourt.gov
    • Justices 
    • Brett M. Kavanaugh
    • Clarence Thomas
    • Elena Kagan
    • John G. Roberts Jr
    • Neil M. Gorsuch
    • Ruth Bader Ginsburg
    • Samuel A. Alito Jr
    • Sonia Sotomayor
    • Stephen G. Breyer
Days in Litigation
  • RPM International Inc., et al., Petitioners v. Alan Stuart, Trustee for the Cecil G. Stuart and Donna M. Stuart Revocable Living Trust Agreement, et al.

    • 20-314
    • Justice: Brett M. Kavanaugh +8
    • Docketed: 09/10/2020
    • Closed: 07/30/2021
    • Latest Docket Entry: 07/30/2021
    • SupremeCourt.gov
    • Justices 
    • Brett M. Kavanaugh
    • Clarence Thomas
    • Elena Kagan
    • John G. Roberts Jr
    • Neil M. Gorsuch
    • Ruth Bader Ginsburg
    • Samuel A. Alito Jr
    • Sonia Sotomayor
    • Stephen G. Breyer
Originating Cases
Brett M. Kavanaugh
Clarence Thomas
Elena Kagan
John G. Roberts Jr
Neil M. Gorsuch
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Samuel A. Alito Jr
Sonia Sotomayor
Stephen G. Breyer
Supreme Court of the United States
Lower Court
United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
  • Docket Entries