
Zynga Wins Personalized Media Case

November 21, 2013

Zynga has successfully defended against allegations by Personalized Media Communications (PMC) that the social gaming company infringed several PMC patents.  A jury verdict ruled that Zynga did not infringe either of two patents at issue in the trial. The suit began in February 2012 when PMC asserted four patents against Zynga, alleging that its online games, including FarmVille and Words With Friends, infringed the patents-in-suit. By the time the case reached its first day of trial on November 12th, 2013, only two patents were still at issue (7,797,717; 7,908,638). Those patents relate to communicating information signals embedded in electronic media content that display or store user specific data. In its defense, Zynga argued that it did not infringe the patents, either directly or through inducement, because the accused products fell outside the scope of the asserted patents. In its original answer, Zynga also argued that the patents were invalid due to double patenting but at trial the jury only considered whether or not Zynga’s accused products infringed the two patents-in-suit. After five days of trial, the jury concluded that Zynga did not infringe either of the asserted patents. PMC still has two active cases, against Amazon and Motorola. Those cases assert different patents developed by PMC. The entity has not asserted the ‘717 patent or the ‘638 patent in any other litigation to date. 2:12cv00068

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