
Dominion Harbor Campaign over Former NEC Patents, Received from IV, Continues Hitting Chinese Flat Panel Display Manufacturers

May 25, 2019

Vista Peak Ventures, LLC (VPV), an affiliate of Dominion Harbor Enterprises, LLC, has filed a notice of settlement in a set of four cases brought in October 2018 against BOE Technology Group, a Chinese manufacturer of flat-panel displays. The NPE has concurrently filed two new sets of four cases apiece, one set filed against Giantplus (2:19-cv-00183, -00184, -00185, -00187) and another set filed against TCL (2:19-cv-00188, -00189, -00190, -00191), again targeting the Chinese companies over their provision of flat-panel displays. Each defendant faces infringement allegations related to between 12 (Giantplus) and 18 (TCL) patents that VPV acquired from Intellectual Ventures LLC (IV) as part of a large portfolio of former NEC assets.

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