
IPRs and Ex Parte Reexams Continue to Intersect in the IXI Campaign

June 20, 2020

Another ex parte reexamination of a patent asserted in litigation by IXI IP, LLC and IXI Mobile (R&D) Ltd. (collectively, IXI) has resulted in the issuance of both amended and new claims, prompting Apple (5:20-cv-04050) and Samsung (5:20-cv-04047) to file another set of declaratory judgment complaints against IXI. The venue is again the Northern District of California, where District Judge Haywood S. Gilliam, Jr. has been presiding over litigation between these parties for years, including over cases that Apple and Samsung filed last October seeking declaratory judgments of noninfringement and invalidity of claims from another patent, held unpatentable through inter partes reviews (IPRs) but arising somewhat anew through ex parte reexam.

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