
NorthStar Systems Has Hit Four More Defendants So Far This Summer

August 19, 2022

This summer, NorthStar Systems LLC has added four defendants to what has become its sole litigation campaign, suing HP (2:22-cv-00265), Lenovo (2:22-cv-00267), Mercedes-Benz (2:22-cv-00323), and NEC (2:22-cv-00324), each in the Eastern District of Texas. The plaintiff received more than three dozen US patents, many of them expired, from Intellectual Ventures LLC (IV) in April 2019, launching litigation in late 2020 that has now hit more than 20 defendants with overlapping subsets of 20 of those patents. NorthStar Systems has targeted a wide variety of products (e.g., in-vehicle infotainment systems, personalized advertising, laptops and mobile computing devices, etc.), most deploying location-based technology or tracking. IV appears to retain an interest in the outcome of this litigation.

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