
Judge Connolly Asked to Stay Civil Contempt Order

September 4, 2023

On August 21, 2023, Chief Judge Colm F. Connolly held in civil contempt the sole owner of an NPE plaintiff that filed multiple affirmative patent cases in Delaware, fining her $200 for every day that the court is open and she fails to appear in person, as previously ordered. Last week, David L. Finger of Finger & Slanina, LLC—counsel for that plaintiff, Backertop Licensing LLC—filed a brief that opens by noting that the court held “non-party Lily [sic] LaPray in civil contempt” before reporting that actual Backertop owner Lori LaPray has appealed the contempt order and asking Judge Connolly to stay imposition of those fines, which the submission estimates could reach $36K by the time the appeal reaches a conclusion.

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