
Funding Appears to Have Fueled Leading Volume NPE Filers, Present and Past

January 21, 2024

Into and through 2022, plaintiffs associated with Texas monetization firm IP Edge LLC, taken collectively, had been the top filer of NPE litigation, by orders of magnitude, for years. Transparency imposed by April 2022 standing orders from Delaware Chief Judge Colm F. Connolly, however, generated a “Series of Extraordinary Events” (involving multiple failed mandamus petitions, arguably intemperate rhetoric, civil contempt charges, and ongoing referrals to the US Department of Justice, the USPTO, and state regulatory bodies for potential investigation and/or disciplinary proceedings) that brought IP Edge-tied filings to a complete standstill at the end of 2022—all of which has led a new enterprise to land atop that list of prolific filers of NPE litigation for 2023.

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