
Huawei and ZTE Latest Defendants in Touchscreen Campaign

January 23, 2014

Touchscreen Gestures  filed two new cases, adding Huawei and ZTE to the list of mobile handset defendants in the campaign launched in 2012. Touchscreen has asserted up to six patents but the new suits involve only two of these (7,180,506; 7,190,356). To date, Touchscreen has sued Acer, Apple, BlackBerry, Google, HP, HTC, LGE, Sony, and ViewSonic. The majority of those cases are now closed. Two previous defendants, Apple and Samsung, were dismissed from cases last month; Samsung was dismissed with prejudice and Apple without.  RPX reviewed the patents-in-suit in an open market opportunity (Sentelic) in February 2012. 1/16, Eastern District of Texas, 6:14cv00029, 6:14cv00030

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