
InfoGation Hits Smartphone Manufacturers with Second Round of Complaints

March 31, 2017

Inventor-controlled InfoGation Corporation has filed a second case against each of the three smartphone manufacturers, HTC (3:17-cv-00646), Huawei (3:17-cv-00647), and ZTE (6:17-cv-00645), that it named in complaints filed in a campaign begun last July. InfoGation’s new complaints assert a second patent (9,528,843), which recently issued, in December 2016, as the fifth member of the family containing the sole patent already in suit (6,292,743). The patents generally relate to distributed navigation systems operating over a wireless network, with infringement allegations focusing on the manufacture and sale of Android smartphones that include Google Maps. This second round of complaints follows a flurry of litigation activity, in both the Northern and Southern Districts of California, as well as before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB), to attack the timing, venue, and substance of InfoGation’s July 2016 complaints.

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