
Inventor-Backed Morris Routing Technologies Opens Up Networking Campaign

July 13, 2024

MORRIS ROUTING TECHNOLOGIES, LLC (MRT) has filed separate lawsuits against AT&T (AT&T Mobility) (4:24-cv-00623), Deutsche Telekom (T-Mobile) (4:24-cv-00625), Samsung (4:24-cv-00624), and Verizon (Verizon Wireless) (4:24-cv-00626) over their various networks (e.g., 5G, fixed-line, fiber, IP, and wireless) and networking solutions. At issue is the support for segment routing (SR) technologies, including the “functionality specified in the SF RFCs” published by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) standards setting organization. Asserted in non-overlapping subsets are 31 of the 39 wireless networking patents that currently available USPTO records suggest that MRT holds; Texas records indicate that the patents’ sole named inventor is backing this litigation.  

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