
Two-Way Radio Patent Asserted in Second Campaign, After First Leaves Austin Hansley Barred from Northern District of Texas Practice

March 3, 2017

RICPI Communications LLC, an apparent affiliate of Texas patent monetization firm IP Edge LLC, has acquired and asserted in a second litigation campaign a single patent (7,333,806) generally related to the operation of two-way radios over a computer network. Last year, the prior owner of the ‘806 patent, RFJ Licensing, LLC, asserted it in cases filed against Tait Radio, Icom, and Ritron, each of which ended in dismissals in October 2016. RICPI received the patent in a December 5 assignment from RFJ and has now targeted two-way radios made and sold by Codan (2:17-cv-00162), JVCKenwood (2:17-cv-00163), and Zetron (2:17-cv-00164).

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